Friday, 17 June 2011
1.Dogs are Happy.
Dogs think your the best person in the world even if you are grumpy, when you come home from school or work your Dogs will be there licking your face and jumping around and they cant wait to see you, while cats don’t notice if you are there or not as long as they get their food. 2.Dogs Care.
A dog can sense when you are sad and they will comfort you to make you feel better, cats don’t give a rats arse.
3.Dogs Protect.\
If a robber comes in or a fire starts the dog will tell you while the cat just pretends it never saw it or just creep through the window if a fire is going on.
4.Dogs Play. Dogs will play with a ball or a toy with you for as long as there energy will hold while the only things cats play with is their bugs and mice.
5.Dogs are better for health. As any pet lover can tell you, pets make you feel good. And in fact, studies have shown that pet owners tend to be healthier, in general, than those without a cuddly (or even not-so-cuddly) four-legged pal in their home. But one study suggests that the health benefits of owning a dog outweigh those of owning a cat.
6.Dogs listen when you call.
When you call your dogs name it will come running to you without fail, with a cat if it even knows its name it most likely wont come to you unless you have a can of food in your hand.
7.Dogs Listen.
When you talk to dogs they will make faces and tilt there head and try to work out what your saying while cats just meow and walk away.
8.Dogs can do Tricks. You have to admit dogs can do some pretty cool tricks like rolling over sitting down catching balls and fetching things while the only trick a cat does is that it claws your face and furniture in two minutes flat. 9.Dogs Love. Dogs will love you until the day they die but on the other hand cats will make you suffer for every mistake you have ever done since you have been born. 10.Dogs are more Hygienic. Although some may argue that cats are more hygienic because they wash themselves but when they wash themselves they get fur balls and cough it up on the table and cats run all over your house touching everything with their paws and you don’t know where they have been while dogs are content on the ground. 11.Dogs aren’t selfish.
Dogs will help you if your in trouble and are extremely loyal to their owners while cats only care about themselves.
12.Dogs get the girls. If you are a guy do you think a cat will get the girls? the answer is no only dogs will. 13.Dogs are variety.
Dogs come in all shapes, sizes and colour to suit what the owner wants but cats are pretty boring as they really only vary in colour.
14.Dogs and sneezing. Its been proved that if a child is with a dog the first few years of their life it builds up their immune system and helps prevent asthma and sneezing allergy’s. 15.Dogs are Smart. Dogs are smarter then cats by fact and they will learn tricks and basic commandments easy and its also a load of fun.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
1 – German Sheppard (Alsation)
In at No.1 as the most expensive dog breed in the world has to be the very versatile Alsation which can fecth anything between $3,000 – $24,000..
So there it is. An exciting list of dog breeds, and unfortunately some very popular dogs did not make it to the top ten.
What happened to the Golden Retriever, Komondor, Malteser Terrier, Bichon Frise, Norfolk Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and the Australian Sheppard? All popular dogs but they did not make it into the top ten of most expensive dogs 2011.
Worlds Most Expensive Dog Breed
The winner is the German Sheppard, a trustworthy dog which has proven it’s capacity to be trained beyond the scope of many other dogs. The German Sheppard can be trained as a rescue dog, drug sniffer and as guidance dog for the visual impaired. Not a wonder that he/she claims the top of the list of the most expensive dogs in the world. A dog training institute in Germany sells their German Sheppards for a cool $24,000, they claim to train the best rescue dogs in the world.
More is not always better. The price of the dog is not important, it is all about the love it gives to you and the love you can give back to the animal.
2 – Cavalier King Charle
2nd in our ‘Top Dog’ list is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from England which can sell for a princely sum of between $1,000 – $14,000 and the No.1 most expensive dog breed is
3– Samoyed
The Samoyed which originates from Siberia is our No.3 selection which can be bought for between $4,000 – $11,000
4 – English Bulldog
The good Ole English Bulldog or ‘British Bulldog’ as it’s know in the UK is at no.4 of our most expensive dogs breeds at between $2,500 – $9,000.. And now wait for it, the top 3 most expensive dog breeds… drumroll please….!!!
5 – Chow Chow At No.5 of our list is the Chow-Chow a chinese breed which can fetch between $3,000 – $8,50010 – Akita Ok so in at No.10 for the most expensive dog breeds is the Japanese Akita which can sell for between $1,500 – $4,500
6 – Rottweiler The Rottweiler makes it to number 6 in our most expensive dogs list at between $2,000 – $8,000
7 – Tibetan Mastiff At No.7 in our list is the Tibetan Mastiff which can usually go for around $2,200 – $7,000. Now although one of these was sold for a whopping $1.5 million it still doesn’t make it as generally the most expensive dog breed.
8 – Pharaoh HoundIn at No.8 of the most expensive dog breed is the Pharaoh hound which can fetch between $2,500 – $6,500
9 – Bearded Collie At No.9 in our list of the worlds most expensive dogs is bearded Collie which can be sold for between $1,000 and $5,000
10 Akita Ok so in at No.10 for the most expensive dog breeds is the Japanese Akita which can sell for between $1,500 – $4,500
Saturday, 4 June 2011
 Pilling a Dog: Holding inscription between index and center fingers, press down upon reduce jaw; place ride of alternative palm at the back of vast fang tooth and press up upon roof tiles of mouth. Push inscription distant down dog’s throat. Remove fingers, tighten mouth quickly; daub underside of chin. Giving Liquids: Put a single sip of disinfectant in little bottle. Pull out mouth at dilemma to form pocket. Pour in liquid, in little amounts; as studious swallows, supplement some-more disinfectant to pocket. Elevate nose customarily somewhat to forestall glass from entering air passages. Dog-LiquidsRChoosing the Right Dog Food: Today dogs still need a offset diet, and the many appropriate dog dishes yield a lot of opposite ingredients, delicately supplemented with all the compulsory amino acids (protein), fats, and carbohydrates, as good as necessary vitamins and minerals. A high peculiarity diet of 80% dry food is recommended. Commercial dishes have been distant higher to diets stoical of reduction found in the kitchens. Ask your veterinarian for the best-recommended food for your dog. These dishes enclose 8 to 10 percent H2O and have been a reduction of cereals, beef by-products, and unfeeling protein (soy) total with unfeeling and animal fats, vitamins, and minerals. The many appropriate dry dishes have been stretched foods. That’s given dogs ambience the fat upon the outside and identical to it improved given of their content. They additionally feel full earlier given the food is bulky. Their dry, severe hardness helps keep the dog’s teeth and gums in good condition. To conform a dog to self-feeding, keep a vast vessel of food in his/her stuff oneself place at all times.
Semi-moist Foods: These dishes enclose twenty-five to thirty percent H2O and have been offset with high-protein foods. Although they demeanour identical to meat, they have been stoical often of beef by-products, soybean, cereals, and containing alkali agents combined to forestall spoilage and keep the product moist. They cannot be used for self-feeding, dogs competence overeat.
Canned (Moist) Foods: This sort contains 70 to 80 percent H2O and is rarely palatable, They cannot be used for self-feeding and do not foster good tooth and resin condition.
Dog Beds and Dog Houses: Once we take your puppy home, we contingency confirm where it will sleep. A domicile residence residence house pet needs customarily a padded box or basket. Put the box in an unusual dilemma of a room. As tantalizing as it competence be to concede your puppy to nap upon your bed, recollect which it will be an adult dog awaiting the same privilege. The day to day a dog forms as a puppy will final a lifetime. A dog kept outdoors, requires a tight, dry residence to strengthen it from breeze and weather. The residence should be vast sufficient for your residence residence house pet to mount up and spin around easily, though not so vast which the physique feverishness will not keep it warm. Loose bedding and a fine cloth prosaic over the doorway can assistance keep your dog cosy in cold weather. The residence should be built for easy cleaning and treating with insecticides to carry out parasites.
Exercise: The need for earthy wake up varies exceedingly between breeds, and additionally between particular dogs. A fondle terrier competence get sufficient practice from bouncing around an apartment, though a sport chase needs a good dial of activity. Try to yield unchanging practice daily. If we devise prolonged durations of eager work, give the dog rest stops for food and H2O multiform times during the day. Outdoor dogs get many some-more practice than indoor pets, given their amicable day to day keep them patrolling and fortifying their territories constantly. To kindle indoor dogs to be some-more playful, yield toys. Two dogs will many practice themselves personification together.
Fleas and Other External Parasites: Dogs have been receptive to many outmost parasites which live upon or have been embedded in the aspect of the skin. Fleas, lice, ticks, and mange mites have been the many usual pests. Most have been easy to carry out with a single after another treatment.
Fleas: They have been generally heavy where the meridian is humid. Their punch competence means an primary internal reaction, though as your residence residence house pet becomes sensitized to flea bites, a some-more universal greeting competence occur, causing a unreasonable to crop up upon many tools of the skin. Eliminating fleas from your home can be achieved with blurb products.
Lice: These little parasites causes heated itching, though have been simply tranquil with flea powders or sprays steady weekly for 3 of 4 applications. Look for dandruff-like eggs trustworthy to the hair shafts and adult lice upon the aspect of the skin.
Ticks: Common in woods, fields, and sandy beaches, ticks insert themselves to the skin, generally around the ears and toes. Ticks can be private with dips or can be picked off individually. Never use the tip of a prohibited cigarette to bake the tick. The easiest approach to mislay it is to dab the parasite with ethanol for multiform minutes, and them lift it off kindly with tweezers.
Mange Mites: Several sorts can trouble dogs. Some live in the ears or upon the aspect of the skin. They have been foul and means heated itching. They have been utterly simply marinated by insecticides. Ear mites have been usual in a puppy’s initial couple of days of life. They furnish a black granular liberate in the ear canal. Cleaning the ears every day with vegetable oil and powdering the puppy with flea powder will customarily compromise ear mite problems.
Intestinal Parasites: Worms, or abdominal parasites, can be critical problems for immature puppies as good as for mature dogs. They can be a single of the vital causes of dog diseases and death. The many usual signs of the participation of worms have been disease and identical problems. If we think which your dog has worms, it is many appropriate to ask a veterinarian to have an scold diagnosis and to allot the scold drug.
Heartworm Disease: Heartworms, which can exceedingly start your dog’s heart and blood vessels, have been transmitted by mosquitos which sucks blood from an putrescent animal and afterwards speak up the putrescent larvae in to a full of health dog. Treatment is formidable and should regularly be administered by a veterinarian
Posted by
Lee Jones
Whether your dog needs a dog walker or dog runner to exercise him while you're at work, a dog daycare where he can romp with other canines, or a pet sitter to make sure your cat's needs are met while you're out of town, the PetsitUSA pet care directory can help! Our directory of professional pet sitters, dog walkers, dog runners, and dog daycares is at your fingertips.
In the directory you'll find the following types of pet care professionals throughout the USA:
Pet Sitters
Dog Walkers
Dog Runners
Dog Daycares
Some of the many services offered by pet sitters, dog walkers, and dog daycares include:
Dog walking for your dog while you're at work
Taking your dog for a long, healthy run or doggie hike
Daily pet sitting visits to your home to check on your pets while you're on vacation or out of town on business trips
Taking your pets to vet, groomer, and other appointments
Basic grooming services
Overnight pet sitting in your home, with your pet
Organized play groups, group dog walks, and field trips
House sitting and other services to ensure your home looks lived in while you're away
Unlike traditional kennels, pet sitters and dog walkers, and dog runners are able to visit your pets in your home, maintaining their routine as much as possible. Hiring a professional to care for your pets gives you peace of mind knowing your best friends are in competent, loving hands. Although you may not be around, your pets are able to feel secure in their own home, with the surroundings that they have become accustomed to.
Dog daycares are also available to care for your dogs during the day when you simply can't get away from your busy day to go home and visit with them. It's an excellent choice for dogs who get bored and chew or destroy possessions when left alone, dogs in need of socialization, and young dogs who have more energy than they know what to do with!
Posted by
Lee Jones
pet sitter
Visit your veterinarian annually for an exam and vaccines.
Give your dog a heartworm pill once a month, year-round.
A high quality diet of 80% dry food, supplement with vitamins is recommended.
Give your dog a treat of a tough, dry biscuit; low-calorie is better for your dog’s tooth hygiene.
Brush and rinse teeth at least twice a week.
Clean ears once a week.
Use dog shampoo for the body and human baby shampoo on the head.
Control fleas and other external parasites. Check your pet for ticks, and remove them immediately.
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Exercise your dog 3 times a day.
Start training your puppy at 10 weeks of age.
Pilling a Dog: Holding pill between index and middle fingers, press down on lower jaw; place thumb of other hand behind large fang tooth and press up on roof of mouth. Push tablet far down dog’s throat. Remove fingers, close mouth quickly; tap underside of chin. Giving Liquids: Put one dose of medicine in small bottle. Pull out lip at corner to form pocket. Pour in liquid, in small amounts; as patient swallows, add more medicine to pocket. Elevate nose only slightly to prevent liquid from entering air passages.
Choosing the Right Dog Food: Today dogs still require a balanced diet, and the best dog foods provide a lot of different ingredients, carefully supplemented with all the required amino acids (protein), fats, and carbohydrates, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. A high quality diet of 80% dry food is recommended. Commercial foods are far superior to diets composed of ingredients found in our kitchens. Ask your veterinarian for the best-recommended food for your dog.
These foods contain eight to ten percent water and are a mixture of cereals, meat by-products, and vegetable protein (soy) combined with vegetable and animal fats, vitamins, and minerals. The best dry foods are expanded foods. That’s because dogs taste the fat on the outside and like it better because of their content. They also feel full sooner because the food is bulky. Their dry, rough texture helps keep the dog’s teeth and gums in good condition. To accustom a dog to self-feeding, keep a large pan of food in his/her feeding place at all times.
Semi-moist Foods: These foods contain 25 to 30 percent water and are balanced with high-protein foods. Although they look like meat, they are composed mostly of meat by-products, soybean, cereals, and chemical agents added to prevent spoilage and keep the product moist. They cannot be used for self-feeding, dogs may overeat.
Canned (Moist) Foods: This type contains 70 to 80 percent water and is highly palatable, They cannot be used for self-feeding and do not promote good tooth and gum condition.
Dog Beds and Dog Houses: Once you take your puppy home, you must decide where it will sleep. A household pet needs only a padded box or basket. Put the box in an out-of-the-way corner of a room. As tempting as it might be to allow your puppy to sleep on your bed, remember that it will be an adult dog expecting the same privilege. The habits a dog forms as a puppy will last a lifetime. A dog kept outdoors, requires a tight, dry house to protect it from wind and weather. The house should be big enough for your pet to stand up and turn around easily, but not so large that its body heat will not keep it warm. Loose bedding and a cloth flat over the door can help keep your dog snug in cold weather. The house should be built for easy cleaning and treating with insecticides to control parasites. Exercise: The need for physical activity varies greatly among breeds, and also among individual dogs. A toy terrier may get enough exercise from bouncing around an apartment, but a hunting hound needs a great dial of activity. Try to provide regular exercise daily. If you plan long periods of strenuous work, give the dog rest stops for food and water several times during the day. Outdoor dogs get much more exercise than indoor pets, since their social habits keep them patrolling and defending their territories constantly. To stimulate indoor dogs to be more playful, provide toys. Two dogs will practically exercise themselves playing together. Fleas and Other External Parasites: Dogs are susceptible to many external parasites that live on or are embedded in the surface of the skin. Fleas, lice, ticks, and mange mites are the most common pests. Most are easy to control with systematic treatment.
Fleas: They are especially troublesome where the climate is humid. Their bite may cause an initial local reaction, but as your pet becomes sensitized to flea bites, a more generalized reaction may occur, causing a rash to appear on many parts of the skin. Eliminating fleas from your home can be accomplished with commercial products.
Lice: These tiny parasites causes intense itching, but are easily controlled with flea powders or sprays repeated weekly for three of four applications. Look for dandruff-like eggs attached to the hair shafts and adult lice on the surface of the skin.
Ticks: Common in woods, fields, and sandy beaches, ticks attach themselves to the skin, especially around the ears and toes. Ticks can be removed with dips or can be picked off individually. Never use the tip of a hot cigarette to burn the tick. The easiest way to remove it is to dab the tick with alcohol for several minutes, and them pull it off gently with tweezers.
Mange Mites: Several types can afflict dogs. Some live in the ears or on the surface of the skin. They are contagious and cause intense itching. They are quite easily cured by insecticides. Ear mites are common in a puppy’s first few days of life. They produce a black granular discharge in the ear canal. Cleaning the ears daily with mineral oil and dusting the puppy with flea powder will usually solve ear mite problems.
Intestinal Parasites: Worms, or intestinal parasites, can be serious problems for young puppies as well as for full-grown dogs. They can be one of the major causes of dog diseases and death. The most common signs of the presence of worms are diarrhea and similar problems. If you suspect that your dog has worms, it is best to ask a veterinarian to make an accurate diagnosis and to prescribe the correct drug.
Heartworm Disease: Heartworms, which can severely affect your dog’s heart and blood vessels, are transmitted by mosquitos that sucks blood from an infected animal and then inject the infected larvae into a healthy dog. Treatment is difficult and should always be administered by a veterinarian.
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